Text for Confidential Advice and Support
ChatHealth is a new text messaging service for 11-19 year olds. You will be able to access confidential advice and support from the local school nursing service on a range of health and wellbeing issues, including anxiety, bullying, relationships and emotional health, by text.
ChatHealth is currently available between 9am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday (including school holidays and excluding bank holidays) and can be accessed by texting 07480635538. Anyone sending a text outside these hours will receive an automated message with advice on where to get help if they require it urgently. When the service reopens the sender will then receive a reply to the message.
If you’re a parent, carer or young person looking for support and information visit www.wchc.nhs.uk/children-young-people/
In response to the current health crisis, a dedicated freephone helpline has been set up by Wirral Council to support young people who may be struggling.
The helpline, which will be staffed by professionals from across the council’s children’s services who are experienced in dealing with young people, will be open from 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday. All calls made to the number will be free.
Young people across the borough are being encouraged to call the number if they are feeling unsafe for any reason or have any worries at all. All calls will be treated as confidential with staff providing support in whatever way they can, to show Wirral’s young people they don’t have to struggle on their own.
Urgent Mental and Emotional Health Support Line
Cheshire and Wirral Partnerships NHS Foundation Trust (CWP) has launched a new 24 hour mental health helpline which can be accessed by all Wirral residents (of all ages including children and young people) who need urgent support. If you need urgent support for your mental health, please call their mental health helpline on the new freephone number 0800 145 6485 and their dedicated local staff will support you to access the help you need.
For more information, visit their website: www.cwp.nhs.uk/crisis
Click here if video doesn’t play.
What is mental health?
Mental health is about our feelings, our thinking, our emotions and our moods. We all have mental health. Looking after our mental health is just as important as looking after our physical health.
The CAMHS website has various resources, self- help guides and information on local services. The website contains a self-referral form should you wish to refer your child into CAMHS. You can also still refer via any other professional (GP, social worker, school).
Where can I find support?
At home
Parents and carers
Your doctor
In school
School Nurse / Youth Worker
Mrs Jones
Mental Health Lead (room B011)
Year Leader
Pastoral Support Worker
Mental Health First Aid Peer Mentor
In the community
Support Services for Parents and Carers
Cheshire and Wirral Partnerships NHS Trust (CWP)
CWP have launched a new mental health helpline for people of all ages, including children and young people to call if they are require urgent help.
The phoneline is staffed 24 hours a day 7 days a week by dedicated mental health professionals. Any child or adult in need can call 0300 303 3972 to access help.
Every Mind Matters
Supports looking after your own and other’s mental health.
Help for those Concerned about their own Behaviour
Respect Phoneline Covid-19 Campaign
Many families and relationships will feel increased pressure and for those living with domestic abuse, this could cause serious harm.
The Respect Phoneline is a key source of support for people concerned about their behaviour and wanting to manage and change it. Now more than ever, the Respect Phoneline will be critical to family members and others who are finding it difficult to manage their behaviour during this difficult time.
If you are struggling with your own behaviour at home please contact the Respect Phoneline using the contact information below:
Website: www.respectphoneline.org.uk
Call: 0808 8024040
Opening times: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Webchat: Thurs & Fri 10am-11am & 3pm-4pm
Email: [email protected]
MindEd educational resources for adults about children and young people’s mental health which is relevant for parents and carers as well as volunteers, teachers and other professionals working with children.
Tomorrow’s Women Wirral
One to one appointments no longer being offered. Tomorrow’s Women is closed to the general public. They are offering phone support to be a listening ear and to give contact numbers for any other agencies which may be of help such as solicitors, housing support and advice, financial advice. We offer this support to any clients you feel would benefit from talking to us. Support is also available through their social media platforms. Numbers you can give to any women who would benefit from our support are as follows:
07872 887 130
07715 877 866
Wirral Women’s and Children’s Aid (Wirral Refuge)
0151 643 9766 (24/7)
Refuge are not offering any outreach support or any work with children and young people outside of the refuge. However, Wirral refuge is continuing to offer places for those in need of accommodation. All staff are now on a rota to cover the refuge working 24 hour shifts then 6 days off to reduce contact with other staff and residents.
Refuge are in telephone contact with any families or women we are working with in the community, they all have the helpline and mobile number and they will continue to offer support anyone who phones the helpline. Gateway referrals are being added to a waiting list.
Housing Options
Housing Options Service is operating business as usual with interviews being conducted over the telephone using a triage process. The service had, however, already moved to this position prior to COVID-19 as it enables us to provide a more effective response to individuals rather than waiting to arrange an appointment or asking people to attend Council offices.
Temporary Accommodation Officers however are seen as critical and will be available to assist any families into Council arranged emergency temporary accommodation if required.
Wirral Mind
0151 512 2200 (9am-5pm Monday to Friday)
Advice and questions mental health support helpline
Hub of Hope Mental Health Support
Text 85258 (24/7)
Text 85258 to be connected to a volunteer for a text conversation – most networks are free and do not show on bills.
YMCA Wirral
YMCA are operating business as usual. Their night shelter remains open and Mainstay applications can be completed via telephone on:
0151 650 1015.
Wirral Children Centres Services
There are currently 3 centres open across Wirral:
Seacombe CC
0151 666 3506
Midwifery services running from Seacombe appointment only.
Brassey Gardens CC Birkenhead
0151 666 3323
Bromborough CC
0151 666 3246
Midwifery services running from Bromborough appointment only.
Children Centres are offering phone support for families most in need we are currently working with. We are working closely with feeding Birkenhead to support families struggling with food. They are supporting them to register with feeding Birkenhead scheme to deliver parcels of food to self-isolating families however this is in its infancy and will change on a weekly basis due to food chain and supplies.
Children Centres are also delivering resource pack to families who are at home with their children. Children Centres supporting childcare settings to remain open for key workers children to attend.
Family information service contact number:
0151 666 3980
Further information available here: https://wirralview.com/news/temporary-changes-childrens-centres-operations
The Open-Door Centre/Bloom
The Open-Door Centre have been busy working remotely over the past week to support existing members and families.
They have launched the New Horizons project to aid mental health in isolation. The isolated uncertain times we are currently living in will be challenging in all kinds of ways. Relationships, community and mental health will all undergo strain as we adjust to a temporarily physically disconnected lifestyle. However, there are coping strategies and activities which can help us through this period, keep our heads healthy and our households harmonious.
Further information is here: https://www.bidolito.co.uk/news-new-horizons/
Emergency Food Hub
This is a partnership between the council and community food providers provides a single point of contact for residents who need urgent help to get food.
Residents should visit www.wirral.gov.uk/foodhelp to give their details or phone the Wirral Coronavirus Helpline on 0151 666 5050 if they can’t go online, or have problems completing the form.
Emergency Food Support
Please see the link below which describes how families can access emergency food support:
Coronavirus Helpline for Wirral Residents
0151 666 5050
Online, Phone and Drop-in
Support and Counselling Services for Students, Parents and Carers
Child Bereavement UK
Full Fact
The UK’s Independent Fact Checking Charity providing free tools, information and advice so that anyone
can check the claims heard from politicians and the media.
Health & Well-being Hub
Wirral’s 0-19 service offers weekly drop-in clinics for school aged children, young people and their families. Every Thursday 4-6pm. Victoria Central Health Centre, Clinic Room, 1st Floor, Mill Lane, Wallasey CH44 5UF.
My Mind
The Open Door Centre
0151 639 4545
0151 666 4123
The Samaritans
Call 116 123
Email: [email protected]
Self Help Websites for Young People
Wirral Brook
0300 123 5474
Wirral Infobank
An online resource to help you find support services near you.
Click here for an emergency food request.
Young Minds
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need support, you can text YM to 85258.