Farewell celebration to our long standing Chair of Governors

8 October 2019 | School News

Last week we sadly said goodbye to our Chair of Governors, Mrs Jane Owens MBE who has been a truly committed and passionate Chair for over 16 years. During that time Mrs Owens has demonstrated a passion, drive and determination to improve all aspects of the school and make Weatherhead an outstanding provision in the community.

Staff and students were able to spend time last week with Mrs Owens during an afternoon tea celebration along with a fantastic performance from our Chamber Choir, to express our gratitude and appreciation for everything she has done for Weatherhead, and we wished her the very best from all of the Weatherhead community.


A warm welcome to our new Chair of Governors

The governing body are delighted to introduce Mrs Carol Rogers MBE as the newly appointed Chair for this academic year. Mrs Rogers has actively supported the school and been a member of the governing body for more than a decade. She is very well placed to make a valuable contribution and to deliver effective leadership and governance at Weatherhead. Mrs Rogers is the Executive Director responsible for education, visitor engagement and community participation at National Museums Liverpool. Mrs Rogers leads a team of senior managers who are responsible for growing cultural engagement across the Liverpool city region and maintains an extensive national and international network of education, museum and health & social care partnerships. Mrs Rogers’ work includes provision of learning opportunities for 850 regional schools, engagement with over 3 million museum visitors and a far reaching community well-being and participation programme.

With her vast experience, community links and knowledge of Weatherhead, we know that Mrs Rogers will continue to provide successful strategic leadership of the governing body and the school to secure the best possible provision and outcomes for our young people, and ensure that this World Class School continues to be a beacon of outstanding education within our local community and beyond.