The Weatherhead Charter
Weatherhead High School is committed to creating an inclusive, engaging and supportive environment where every member of our community belongs and aspires to excellence. Our school is driven by the values of the 4 Rs: Resilience, Respect, Reach and Reward. Our commitment to the 4 Rs guides us in creating an environment where every student can thrive, and we aim to be one of the best schools in the country by fostering a culture of hard work, aspiration and success. Weatherhead places itself at the heart of the local community and strives to be a beacon of support and aspiration for those within it.
This charter represents the collective aspirations and commitments of the Weatherhead High School community. It outlines the behaviour and values to which members of the community should adhere, and serves as a guide by which we can hold each other to account. By applying these principles, we can work together towards a shared goal of creating a supportive, inspiring, and successful environment for all.
Core Values
- Resilience: We foster resilience in our students and staff by encouraging perseverance and determination in the face of challenges.
- Respect: We cultivate an environment where mutual respect is paramount, ensuring that all individuals feel valued and respected.
- Reach: We inspire our community to reach for their highest potential in academic, artistic, physical and leadership pursuits.
- Reward: We recognise and reward positive behaviour, achievements, and acts of kindness, creating an engaging and motivating atmosphere.
Expectations for the Weatherhead Community
Persist through challenges and seek help when needed.
View mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow.
Set personal goals and work steadily towards achieving them.
Participate actively in class discussions and activities, even when unsure.
Support peers who are facing difficulties, promoting a culture of mutual resilience.
Treat peers, teachers, and school staff with kindness and respect.
Listen attentively when others are speaking in order to expect the same in return.
Use polite language in all interactions.
Respect the school environment and the belongings of others.
Behave calmly and with consideration at all times.
Avoid actions that embarrass, humiliate, or intimidate others.
Aim to achieve personal bests in physical, arts, sports and leadership endeavours.
Take advantage of extra-curricular activities and opportunities.
Challenge yourself by setting ambitious goals.
Seek feedback and use it to improve.
Help peers to reach their potential by collaborating and offering support.
Acknowledge and celebrate the successes of peers.
Recognise the value of intrinsic rewards like personal satisfaction and growth.
Participate in the school reward programs and assemblies.
Show appreciation for teachers and staff who support their achievements.
Engage in acts of kindness and recognise the positive impact on the school community.
Encourage a growth mindset by praising effort and perseverance.
Provide constructive feedback that focuses on areas for improvement.
Offer support and resources for students struggling with difficult tasks.
Create a classroom environment where making mistakes is seen as a learning opportunity.
Treat all students and colleagues with kindness and consideration.
Foster a warm, welcoming and inclusive classroom environment where all voices are heard.
Address disrespectful behaviour promptly and fairly.
Use respectful language and encourage students to do the same.
Celebrate cultural diversity and teach students to appreciate different perspectives.
Set and hold high expectations and aspirations for all students and provide the support they need to meet them.
Adapt teaching to meet the diverse needs of students.
Encourage students to take on challenges and step out of their comfort zones.
Provide opportunities for students to explore their interests and talents.
Attend school events and celebrate children’s achievements whether academic, artistic or physical.
Recognise and celebrate students’ achievements regularly.
Provide positive reinforcement for good behaviour and effort.
Use a variety of rewards to motivate students.
Celebrate acts of kindness and community contributions.
Implement a fair and consistent system for rewarding students.
Parents and Carers
Encourage children to persevere through personal challenges in order to attend school every day.
Celebrate effort and progress, not just achievements.
Model resilience in daily life by sharing examples of overcoming obstacles.
Support and champion children to help boost their resilience and self-esteem.
Model respectful behaviour at home.
Teach children the importance of respect for themselves and others.
Encourage children to listen and consider other people’s perspectives.
Reinforce the school’s expectations for respectful behaviour.
Support the school in addressing incidents of disrespect or bullying.
Encourage children to pursue their interests and talents.
Support the school’s high expectations by reinforcing them at home.
Encourage children to take part in school events where possible and celebrate the school community.
Provide opportunities and encouragement for children to explore new activities.
Encourage a balance between academic pursuits and extra-curricular involvement.
Celebrate children’s achievements at home.
Reinforce the school’s reward system by discussing achievements and rewards.
Provide positive reinforcement for effort and improvement.
Where possible, attend school events that recognise student accomplishments.
Encourage children to appreciate the value of both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards.
Weatherhead High School is dedicated to continuous improvement. We regularly review our practices, gather feedback from the community, and implement changes to ensure we remain a leading institution.