Are you worried about something in school?

Please use the form below to share any concerns you have about yourself or another student at Weatherhead.

Your message will be sent to your Year Team and the relevant Year Leader. Information will be shared if there is a risk of serious harm to you, someone else or a crime is being committed.

Messages are monitored during the school day. Messages received before or after school and during the school holidays will be responded to on our return.

IMPORTANT: If you, or the person you are concerned about, are in immediate danger and it is outside of the school day (e.g. evenings, weekends or holidays), please contact the emergency services by telephoning 999.

Report a concern

Where else can I get help and support?

During the school day there are lots of people you can speak to including your Form Tutor, Pastoral and Academic Support Worker, Year Leader, your subject teachers and support staff. If you need help and support outside of the school day, at weekends or during the school holidays you can contact: