National Careers Week 2020

8 March 2020 | School News

To mark this year’s National Careers Week (2nd-7th March) and International Women’s Day (8th March), guest speakers from local government, media, healthcare, policing and engineering delivered a series of female led, powerful assemblies and PSHCE lessons to inspire our student community.

Vikki Chapman, Head of Digital Solutions at Wirral Council, former students Georgia Flynn, Head of Media at Hi Impact and Alex Ruse, a Midwife and Weatherhead’s Careers Manager, Miss Smith, delivered student assemblies.  Our guest speakers talked about their education, career path, motivations and the impact they can make through their work, within their industry or in the wider community. The love of the work they do was clearly visible.

Civil Engineer and Enterprise Adviser Joanna Bateman delivered PSHCE lessons and ran a lunchtime drop in session for students interested in learning more about careers in engineering. Detective Inspector Lynsay Armbruster, Judith Blease and colleagues delivered sessions on police work.  Students had the opportunity to try on riot gear and forensic suits, take prints and meet a dog handler and two working police dogs, Lucy and Chico.

Careers themed PSHCE lessons, with Careers Manager Miss Smith, will continue for the next two weeks.

For careers advice and guidance, please visit: