Work Experience

“Every pupil should have first-hand experiences of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing and/or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities, and expand their networks.”
Gatsby Benchmark 6

Developing Skills for Life and Work

Work Experience helps students to develop key skills which employers say young people need in the workplace. These skills include communication, problem solving, social skills, literacy, numeracy and working with others.

Learning and developing these skills builds confidence so that students can move on to the next challenge in school, university, work and life.

A work experience placement can also give students an opportunity to find out more about an industry or sector; meet new people; experience life as an employee; build upon existing skills and learn new skills; meet course requirements and use on CVs, applications and references.

Work Experience Presentations (Archive)

Contact the Future Choices Team

Assistant Headteacher, Achievement and Aspiration:
Mrs Kaloumenos

Careers Lead:
Mrs Walshaw

Careers Advisor, MPloy:
Mr Ridgway


0151 631 4400


[email protected]