The Careers Programme

Every school and college should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by students, parents, teachers, governors and employers.”
Gatsby Benchmark 1

Pupils, parents, teachers and employers can access a summary of Weatherhead’s careers programme for each year group here. Our careers programme roadmap includes the key careers events and experiences that take place as well as the milestones and learning outcomes.

We assess the impact of our careers programme on students by analysing destination data and completing student surveys after career events, such as Understanding the World of Work, Future Choices Fair and Work Experience, to gauge 4 key areas:

1) Student reaction

2) What students have learnt 

3) Tracking destinations

4) Results (working towards meeting 100% Gatsby Benchmarks and the Quality in Careers Standard Award)

We also review our careers programme through employer surveys after events have taken place and work with our Enterprise Coordinator to ensure that our Compass audit tool is up-to-date, and that our Strategic Action Plan reflects any areas for improvement.

Contact the Future Choices Team

Assistant Headteacher, Achievement and Aspiration:
Mrs Kaloumenos

Careers Lead:
Mrs Walshaw

Careers Advisor, MPloy:
Mr Ridgway


0151 631 4400


[email protected]