The Art Of Science

On Saturday 18th March, Weatherhead welcomed 36 primary school students to ‘The Art of Science’, a workshop designed to give primary school students the opportunity to experience some of the highlights of studying Science at secondary school.
The workshop is part of Weatherhead’s Key Stage 2 Gifted Programme, which aims to challenge and extend able primary students.
Throughout the morning the students took part in three workshops:
Electrical circuits
Hands on with organs
The chemistry behind fireworks

Could we improve on what we offer?
“I think Weatherhead and all of the staff who take part in the programmes to organise and run them are doing a fantastic job. I am very fortunate and pleased that my son has been able to take part in the events and look forward to him attending more of them in the future.”

All the pupils, currently in Year 5, thoroughly enjoyed themselves with positive feedback from pupils and parents, including: