Silver DofE Expedition

16 June 2022 | School News

Congratulations to the Year 10 students who have successfully completed the ‘Expedition’ section of their Silver Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award. 

At the start of half term, 47 students embarked on a three-day two-night expedition in Denbighshire, North Wales. The students worked incredibly hard, navigating some difficult routes and covering approximately 30km over the three days.

The group had previously completed a practice expedition in April and have been preparing for months studying first aid and emergency procedures; health and safety; navigation and route planning; preparatory map skills; practical map skills; compass skills; campcraft, equipment and hygiene; food and cooking; countryside and highway safety codes; observation recording and presentations and teambuilding.

The students walked in small groups between 4 and 7, carrying their food supplies and camping equipment between them, battling the weather (and blisters) whilst navigating their way to each checkpoint on the route.

Joining the expedition as student volunteers were four Weatherhead alumni who had successfully completed their Gold Award during their time in Sixth Form.   We are delighted that 44 out of the 47 passed their Assessment expedition, and the remaining three who could not continue through medical issues will now join the bronze expedition in June to complete their journeying time so we will get our 100% record of success!  Well done Silvers!

Gold DofE

Meanwhile, up in the Yorkshire Dales, 15 Year 12 students successfully completed a 80km practice expedition for their Gold DofE award. The students were away for five days making their way across the Yorkshire Dales from Malham to Bolton Abbey – accessing beautiful views, different terrains, multiple ascents and experiencing paths such as the famous Dales Way.  The students were an absolute credit – they will head to the Snowdonia National Park in the summer to complete their assessment.

Bronze DofE

Year 9 students have been working towards their Bronze Award and have completed/or will have completed their practice expedition in North Wales this month, walking approximately 24km over two days. The cohort is divided into two halves so bronze A will complete their Practice early June and Bronze B at the end of June.  Both groups will complete their assessment expedition in September.  Our numbers stand at 51 overall. 

About the DofE

The Duke of Edinburgh’s award aims to empower young people, support them as they learn new skills, overcome obstacles, and build confidence and resilience. There are four sections to complete at Bronze and Silver level and five at Gold. They involve helping the community/environment, becoming fitter, developing new skills, planning, training for and completing an expedition and, for Gold only, working with a team on a residential activity.