Year 8 Parental Survey 2017-18
Year 8 parents and carers were invited to complete a survey about their child’s time at Weatherhead High School so far this academic year. The survey was conducted at the autumn term parents’ evening and we received 151 responses – thank you.
We want to thank those participants for taking the time to complete the survey and to share the results with the Weatherhead School Community.
Standout Quotes
“Very proud of daughter’s achievements.”
“Teachers go above and beyond to help in every aspect.”
“Pastoral support is superb, issues dealt with promptly and satisfactorily.”
“Child suffered with Anxiety staff helped a great deal (don’t know what would have done without them).”
“Brilliant school, teachers always happy to help.”
“Would most definitely recommend the school and daughter very well looked after.”
“Finally feel as if my voice is being heard and my opinion as a parent is finally been given validation, the difference this is making to me after mainstream failed other children. Keep up the good work.”