Anti-Bullying Strategy
Anti-Bullying Strategy
This statement is printed in students’ planners and is reinforced through assemblies, tutors and in lessons.
Bullying has no place in our school
At Weatherhead, we promise to do our best to prevent bullying whenever we can and try to overcome it whenever it is reported.
By bullying we mean:
- Deliberately hurtful behaviour repeated often over a period of time.
- Any occasion when somebody deliberately upsets, intimidates, threatens or harasses someone else.
As a student you can help too by…
- Reporting bullying, either towards you or when you see it happening to others.
- Avoiding situations on computers/mobile phones where bullying can take place and trying to persuade friends to do the same.
- Trying your best to keep problems from outside school away from Weatherhead.
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors at Weatherhead High School have been awarded the Wellbeing badge as part of their involvement in The Diana Award Anti-Bullying Campaign, becoming the first school on the Wirral to achieve this award.
The Diana Award Anti-Bullying campaign, a prestigious programme dedicated to the late Princess Diana, engages young people, parents and teachers to change the attitudes, behaviour and culture of bullying by building skills and confidence to address different situations, both online and offline. Within school, our student ambassadors have delivered workshops and support sessions, helping students learn how to be resilient and guide them to access the right support.