Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education (PSHCE)
The PSHCE curriculum – following national curriculum guidance – aims for all students to become:
- Successful learners who enjoy learning, making progress and achieving.
- Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
- Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.
The intent of the PSHE department is to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to face the challenges that life will present them with and to help prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. We aim for our students to become healthy, confident, independent and responsible young people, PSHE education helps pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. From making responsible decisions about alcohol to forming and maintaining healthy relationships, PSHE education helps pupils to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up.
Through a high quality PSHE curriculum we aim to help students in their wider education by supporting their wellbeing and tackling issues that can affect their ability to learn, such as mental health and unhealthy relationships.
We believe that PSHE is uniquely placed to make an invaluable contribution to the lives of our students. It gives students on opportunity to explore topics and issues that are important to them and the local context in which they live. Students can spend time on their personal development, asserting their views and opinions and reflecting on how these views change or develop over time. The PSHE curriculum is therefore flexible and centered around the needs of our students, in combination with the statutory RSHE requirements. We believe that the PSHE curriculum contributes to the all-round personal development of individual students and aids them living a healthy and happy life as adults in the wider world.
PSHE and Religious Education are combined at Weatherhead and taught on a weekly basis for students in Key Stage 3, and through Tutor Time sessions at Key Stage 4.
All teachers within our department receive training to ensure that they are equipped in both subject knowledge and the ability to deliver sensitive situations in an age appropriate manner. Our staff are passionate about educating students on the important issues that are taught within the PSHE curriculum.
Our schemes of work are built around the statutory requirements of the RSHE curriculum, drawing in other elements of living in the wider world unit of study, as presented by the PSHE association. The PSHE curriculum is sequenced so that key concepts and topics are delivered in an age appropriate way. Students develop their understanding of key concepts as they progress through the years. Lessons are planned and delivered in a variety of ways so that al students can participate fully in the learning, interactive, practical activities linked to the themes in the syllabus and other subjects where appropriate, encourage our students to discuss their ideas and extend their understanding of sensitive topics and to challenge stereotypes. Students are assessed throughout each lesson and across units of work to inform future planning and to allow students to map their personal development and progression.
At Key Stage 4, PSHE is delivered through the tutor time program. The statutory requirements of RSHE are all covered through lessons taught by Form tutors, specialist external agencies and personal development days. Form tutors regularly receive training to ensure that they are confident to deliver sessions on topics of a sensitive nature. All members of staff receive regular whole school safe guarding training to aid them in the delivery of the often-sensitive nature of the PSHE curriculum. Wider areas of the PSHE curriculum are delivered to students through the assemblies and form time activities.
Students at Weatherhead face an engaging and relevant PSHE curriculum which covers all of the statutory RSHE requirements. Students are able to formulate and develop their own viewpoints and understandings of issues that are relevant to them and their lives, present and future. Student voice shows that students value their PSHE lessons and understand the importance of studying such important issues.
Student voice is utilised regularly throughout the year and feedback is used to inform future planning. The curriculum is sequenced and planned to enable students to revisit core themes and deepen their understanding. Retrieval of relevant prior learning at the start of core theme aims to embed these concepts. In order to help recall this information low stakes testing is used to help judge students understanding and their personal development on key issues.
Subject specific vocabulary and key terminology is taught and modelled by all PSHE teachers. Students are expected to use this vocabulary in both oral and written answers. Knowledge organisers contain vocabulary lists to help deepen the knowledge and understanding of key terminology.
Students are assessed throughout the curriculum, this identifies gaps and misunderstandings in knowledge. This allows students to see the progression in their personal development.
The curriculum impact can be seen through the development of our students over time. The curriculum contributes to the all-round development and wellbeing of our student. It helps them to understand other people, to respect those of other faiths, with different beliefs and values. Ultimately, the impact of the PSHE department is in helping students to become members of our wider community who are tolerant, reflective and celebrate and promote diversity.
Homework is not generally set for PSHCE although there is encouragement of maintaining an awareness of current news and global incidents concerning citizenship, and personal health issues.
The PSHCE curriculum – following national curriculum guidance – aims for all students to become:
- Successful learners who enjoy learning, making progress and achieving.
- Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
- Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.