Year 7 Independent Learning Resources
On this page you will find remote learning guides for parents, carers and students to support students working from home. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of all the subjects being studied by our year 7 students, a link to the topics that they will be covering each term and the online platforms that will be used as part of our remote education provision.
How can students access remote education?
Each day, students will be able access all class work remotely in Google Classroom. Students follow their normal timetable and log into Google Classroom at the beginning of each lesson. Teachers will generate and share links for accessing live lessons with students/classes in Google Classroom.
At Weatherhead High School, we use the following online platforms:
● Google Classroom (Google Suites)
● The Oak National Academy
● SAM Learning
● Kerboodle
● LanguageNut
● Seneca Learning
● BBC Bitesize
These are our main platforms but this list is not exhaustive. Further information on our online platforms can be accessed by clicking here.
What type of work will be set?
Teachers will set the same topic and work linked to what is being delivered in school. Video clips from websites such as The National Oak Academy or BBC Bitesize may also be used to support students with their learning. For some subjects, students will be signposted to other online platforms, such as: Sparx Maths, The EverLearner and Languagenut.
How will work be assessed?
Tasks completed by students will be assessed in a number of ways:
● Some work will be completed directly in Google Classroom and teachers will be able to see and produce feedback on this work online.
● Teachers may ask students to upload files or photos to Google Classroom, and it will be marked and returned to students.
● Work completed through online platforms such as Sparx Maths and The EverLearner will be automatically assessed and teachers may also provide individual or whole class feedback on this work.
● Assessments and tests are set in Google Classroom following the School’s Assessment Calendar.
Given the nature of the tasks, the type of feedback teachers can provide may not take the same format as marking an exercise book. Teachers are encouraged to ensure, when they set assessed work, that it is designed in such a way that meaningful feedback may be provided.
Subjects, Curriculum and Learning Platforms
Click here to view the KS3 Curriculum Overview for each subject.