Weatherhead Celebrates Annual ‘Author Week’ Event
We were lucky enough to welcome FIVE authors to Weatherhead this term for our annual ‘Author Week‘ event, in which all our students are encouraged to celebrate books, authors, reading and writing.
Hip-hop artist and performance poet Kimba kicked off the week on Monday 14th November, and helped us ‘shampoo’ our poetry and ‘use our noodles ricely’ – the students had great fun and discovered new ways to make their poetry really exciting.

On Tuesday 15th November, Sarah Hagger-Holt told us all about how she uses real people’s experiences for inspiration, and she gave us the tools to create amazing story ideas in just 5 minutes.

Author and illustrator Curtis Jobling joined us on Wednesday 16th November, when he took us on a tour through his fabulous horror worlds and showed us how he managed to turn his hobbies into his job.

On Thursday 17th November, Sufiya Ahmed took us back in time to hear some incredible true & fictional stories from the past, highlighting our shared (and sometimes unheard) history.

We finished our week in style with some brilliant advice for our aspiring writers from the excellent Sally Nicholls, who gave us an insight into her writing processes and how she develops an idea into a plot.

Books by all the authors are available to borrow from the LRC, and students still have the opportunity to win a set of signed books (along with many other prizes!) with our ‘Author Week Writing Competition‘. Details and entry forms can be found in the LRC, and the deadline for entries is Friday 2nd December.
“Author week is always a fantastic event, and this year’s guests really did offer something for everyone. It is wonderful to see our students so excited about books and reading, and to create those lasting connections with excellent writers.” – Miss Grainger, LRC Manager