Author Week 2022

11 November 2022 | School News

Our exciting annual Author Week event will be taking place this year from 14th – 18th November.  We will be welcoming five fantastic authors whose writing is aimed at a child/teenage audience.  This year’s guests are: 

Monday 14th November: Kimba (Poet)

Tuesday 15th November: Sarah Hagger-Holt

Wednesday 16th November: Curtis Jobling

Thursday 17th November: Sufiya Ahmed

Friday 18th November: Sally Nicholls

Students in years 7 and 8 will have an opportunity to spend a lesson with at least one of the authors, and all students will have a chance to meet the authors over lunchtime, as they spend time in the LRC signing books and bookplates.

We will be stocking books for students to buy at a reduced price of £5.00 per book.  These books will be on sale to browse and collect from the LRC from Friday 11th November at break times, lunch times and after school, until the end of the event (stock permitting).  The pupils can bring any books they have bought to be signed on the day that author is in school – this includes copies of the books purchased elsewhere (e.g. Amazon, Waterstones etc.).

It is strongly recommended that books purchased through the school are paid for through Parent Pay in advance, and students then see Miss Grainger in the LRC to collect their choice of book once payment is made.  

Author Week is a fantastic opportunity for the students to meet published writers/illustrators, as well as a chance to develop and encourage a love of reading and writing.

Happy Reading!