Harry Potter Night 2019
Weatherhead’s theatre transformed into Hogwarts on the evening of Wednesday 6th February for Harry Potter Book Night, with a chance for students to sample ‘Care of Magical Creatures’ and ‘Potions’ lessons, as well as creating their own ‘Owlery’!
Over eighty Potter fans got together in a variety of amazing costumes, and chose their houses for the evening ahead. The Slytherin and Ravenclaw teams headed over to meet Lyndsay from Animals Take Over and her amazing creatures. Our fantastic beasts for the night included a cute rat, friendly bearded dragon, gorgeous sugar glider, coiling snake, hairy tarantula, head-spinning owl, and a pocket-sized tree frog!
The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff teams started their night at the craft tables, where they made their own potions jars of colourful, scented bath salts, before moving on to create cute face-cloth owls.
The teams then swapped places, and once everyone had finished it was time for the traditional feast of party food and butterbeer! A special Hogwarts quiz was available for students to take away and complete, and the winning team and new Hogwarts House Cup holders will be announced by Miss Grainger in the LRC after half term!