Wirral Globe Schools Awards 2017

We are delighted to announce Weatherhead High School and Mr Dyment were awarded ‘Secondary School of the Year’ and ‘Headteacher of the Year’ at this year’s Wirral Globe Schools Awards.
The awards, held at Thornton Hall Hotel on 17th May 2017, celebrate all that is good in the borough’s schools and aims to seek out the best pupils, schools, teachers and support staff as well as highlight innovation and best practice across the area.
The nomination for ‘Secondary School of the Year’ came from Ms Jones, whose daughter Sophia is in Year 7. In her nomination, Ms Jones said that Weatherhead “provides excellent learning opportunities for all pupils and allows them to achieve their full potential regardless of their starting point” and went on to say “I believe they fully deserve this award”.
A Level student Dan Richards championed Mr Dyment for ‘Headteacher of the Year’. In his nomination he said: “Mr Dyment is well loved at Weatherhead.”
Mr Dyment, Executive Headteacher, said:
“We have a wonderful reputation within the community and this is as a consequence of the day-to-day interactions that staff have with students and their overall experience at Weatherhead High School. Our staff, are not only good at getting children to achieve, sometimes beyond their dreams, but also excellent at providing a really well-rounded education where the arts, culture, sport, leadership, trips and activities all make a very rich learning experience.”
From September, Mr Dyment will become Director of the Weatherhead Teaching School Alliance and CEO of the developing Weatherhead Multi-Academy Trust.
Visit the Wirral Globe website to read about the Wirral schools that are top of their class.