Sportshall Athletics

1 December 2017 | Sports News

Sportshall is an exciting indoor programme of adapted athletics activities and it provides fun ways to build core skills and exhilarating team competitions.

This term, Weatherhead hosted the event and students from Years 7 & 8 excelled in the competition:

Year 7 Results

4 laps:
Olivia, 1st place

8 lap relay:
Olivia and Molly, 1st place

2 laps:
Mya, 2nd place

Year 8 Results

2 laps:
Ellie-Mai, 2nd place

3 laps:
Molly, 3rd place

2 laps:
Maizy, 2nd place

8 lap relay:
Maizy and Ava, 3rd place

1 lap relay:
Olivia, Macy, Eryn, Ellie, 3rd place